Cliffhouse Restaurant, located at the top of Buttermilk mountain is a must see if you're in Aspen.
Here you'll find insane views of Pyramid Peak and the entire Maroon Creek Valley. Buttermilk Mountain is also the easiest mountain that we skied and snowboarded on versus Highlands which was a lot more intense and steep. All and all (disregarding difficulty of slopes) this mountain takes the cake because of this breathtaking view that you see the second you reach the top.

This was our view while sitting inside Cliffhouse Restaurant, which consists of a lot of amazing Asian cuisine options, as well as American style ones. It's cafeteria style meaning you can get whatever you want and sit wherever - no waiters, making the experience a lot more independent and relaxing just being on your own with your pals while you take in this awesome view.

The restaurant opens at 9am and closes at 3:15pm - so make sure to make it in time. We tried to go to Cloud Nine on the Highlands and couldn't because we didn't realize how early these places close. After your done with your meal (and drink...they also serve alcohol if you're interested ;] ) the views on the way down are just as beautiful which I have pictured below.

This trip was absolutely breathtaking, so much adventure and something to do everywhere we turned. For my first time in Colorado I would say it was one for the books! More pictures and blog posts about my other favorite spots coming soon :)
Have you ever been to Aspen before?
Or have you ever been to Colorado before?
Traveling to new places brings so much into one's life, do you like to travel?
xx Ash