1) You have something to say / you have a purpose
If you have something that you feel so passionately about and want your opinion expressed then that is a solid first reason of why you should even consider taking that first step. Is there something that you’re so talented at that others may not be able to offer? Are there others out there who ask you for certain advice or turn to you with questions that you‘ve answered endless amounts of times?
Blogging doesn’t have to be some place where you're just a wannabe psychologist that gives advice, but it can also be a place where you share your art, your love for vintage records, or your cool finds of little shops and restaurants that many others may not know about - the list goes on and on. It’s that motivation inside you to want to share that with the world that will let you know if you should start one or not.
2) You need a creative outlet / a way to express yourself
This is the number one reason I started my blog - and it does go hand and hand with my first point above. Expressing ourselves as human beings is crucial to our health: mentally, emotionally and physically. Ever since I can remember I’ve always been a creative person, not for others but for myself. I would stay up endless amount of hours in my room (starting I would say around the age of eight) and just create “businesses”. Chocolate making (formally known as Chocolates from the Heart) not so bad either if I do say so myself. Computer Graphics with Ashley, in which I created flyers for companies (lol) and even though most of my costumers MAY’VE been my family, friends, and parents‘ coworkers I was still creating and doing what I loved. Pretty awesome for a kid not making much but feeling so accomplished with the little I had. In the end my true love showed up, photography and everything it had to offer changed my life forever.
Starting my blog a few years back was the best decision I’ve ever made for myself. Since then I haven’t thought twice about if it was a mistake or not. And now more than ever I’m fearlessly motivated to get it going and fulfill my goals and visions that I have for it going forward.
3) You want to help other people any place in the world
Okay...so I said the other reason above was my number one but I would have to say this is also tied *eeeek* how could it not be?! I originally started my blog during a time in my life where I had just gone through a major life shift - an extremely tough breakup, graduating college, and not knowing where to turn to. It was the awkward period after college where you’re now an “adult” but don’t really feel like one yet - in a sense...a fraud, a kid hiding underneath an “adult” body. I wanted to reach out to others and make them feel as though they weren’t alone - but most importantly at that time I myself did not want to feel alone.
From then on my life completely changed - it felt as though a brick tumbled off my chest and I could share whatever I was feeling to whomever I wanted to WHEREVER they may be in the world. God, how invigorating.
4) You want to be opened up to new opportunities
What is life without new opportunities? I’ve tried many different things to change the course of my life: from wanting to find new ways to make money, teach myself new art projects, take up random hobbies to see if it "felt right"...etc the list goes on. But I never actually took a step back and evaluated whats working and what’s actually not working. Blogging gets you there. Reaching out to other bloggers, business owners, artists, those in need GETS YOU THERE. Getting their advice, hearing their stories and most importantly telling them yours GETS YOU THERE. Thats when new opportunities arise and that’s when you feel your true purpose.
5) You want to make money (if you're motivated enough)
I saved this one for last because this is not why I started my blog, but in the end this is a main goal of mine. My dream would be to blog all day every day - yes I love my full time job as a manager right now but is it a forever thing? In my heart I can honestly say no. If I ever needed to follow my most important advice I’ve given others it’s to follow my own heart. It is something that will take MORE time and MORE effort with a lot of schedule changes while still being successful at my current full time job (ahhh if only there were more hours in the day).
In the end if you are JUST wanting to start blogging for money take a step back - reevaluate if that’s motivation enough for you because there’s a lot more purpose and soul that goes into it besides the dream of money.
Have you ever considered starting a blog before?
If so, what's holding you back?
If these points all resonate with you, you have your answer - it's never too late.
As always, thanks for stopping by :)
xx Ash
I loved reading through this post! I started my blog as a creative outlet two years ago. I took a hiatus from posting but in the meantime craved the structure of posting so now I’m writing and creating once again and I LOVE it!